Chicken Afritada

Chicken Afritada is simmered until perfectly tender in a fresh tomato-based sauce with potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers. This classic Filipino stew is easy to make and budget-friendly yet hearty and flavorful. Perfect for family dinners and special occasions!

Chicken Afritada is a classic Filipino stew made of beef, pork, chicken, or fish braised in tomato sauce with potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers. It is a flavorful and hearty dish for family meals and special occasions.

Ingredient notes

  • Aromatics– sauteed onions and garlic boost the flavor
  • Chicken– Bone-in chicken works best in this recipe, bringing a deeper flavor. If you prefer boneless, choose thigh fillets, as the breast can turn dry and chewy in the slow cooking process.
  • Roma Tomatoes– use ripe tomatoes as they’re sweeter and juicier
  • Vegetables– potatoes, carrots, bell peppers, and sweet peas extend servings and add color and texture.
  • Fish sauce– adds umami taste
  • Water– use more or less depending on the amount of sauce preferred. You can also use chicken broth for extra depth.
  • Salt and pepper- salt enhances the dish’s flavor, and pepper adds zing.

While I use canned tomato sauce for pork afritada, I prefer fresh tomatoes for my chicken version. While this may entail more effort than opening a can, it brings a freshness and depth of flavor that’s worth the extra work.

For an ultra-special afritadang manok for a party, try pineapple chicken afritada with sweet fruit chunks that complement the savory flavors of the dish. Filipino-style hot dogs, ham, or Vienna sausages are fun and tasty additions that extend servings easily.

Chicken Afritada cooking steps

  1. Brown potatoes and carrots in hot oil. Remove and set aside. Saute bell peppers until lightly browned. Remove from pan and drain on paper towels.
  2. Add onions and garlic and cook until softened. Add chicken and lightly brown.
  3. Add tomatoes and cook until softened and release juice. Add fish sauce and simmer for a few seconds.
  4. Add water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover, and cook until the chicken is tender and the sauce slightly reduces. Add potatoes and carrots and continue to cook until fork-tender.
  5. Add bell peppers and sweet peas and cook until heated through and tender-crisp.
  6. Continue to simmer until the sauce is thickened to the desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

How to store and serve

  • Chicken Afritada is delicious as a main dish for lunch or dinner with steamed rice. It’s also great for parties or special gatherings and is a sure crowd-pleaser!
  • Leftovers should be stored in an airtight container, refrigerated for up to three days, or frozen for up to two months.
  • To reheat, place in a saucepan and heat over medium heat to an internal temperature of 165 F.

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