Avocado Milkshake

Get ready to indulge in the richest, creamiest treat! Avocado Milkshake is easy to make and the perfect refreshing drink to beat the heat!

G eats avocados almost daily, with guacamole and chips being one of his favorite food pairings, but he has never heard of much less tried, avocado milkshakes. Not surprising as although this buttery fruit (it’s botanically a berry) is widely used here in the U.S., it’s more commonly applied in savory dishes such as sandwiches and salads than the sweet preparations like ice creams and desserts, which we are more familiar with in the Philippines.

So, while he mashed his share of the avocados we bought this afternoon into a dip, I blended mine into a luscious, decadent drink. And was my avocado smoothie thick and rich and sooo delicious. Definitely hit the spot.

Ingredient variations

  • Add other fruits, such as bananas, strawberries, or mango, for an extra burst of flavor and nutrition.
  • Include other greens, such as spinach or kale, to amp up the vitamins and minerals.
  • Add protein powder for the perfect post-workout treat.
  • I like to use evaporated milk for extra richness and creaminess, but you can substitute regular milk if preferred.  Or make it dairy-free by using almond, soy, or coconut milk. You can also use condensed milk and skip the sugar so as not to make the smoothie overly sweet.
  • I use regular sugar to sweeten the milkshake. You can also use other sweeteners, such as honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup.
  • Spice it up with a dash or two of cinnamon or nutmeg.
  • Top the milkshake with whipped cream, chocolate chips, or chopped nuts for a bit of decadence.

This avocado milkshake recipe is a base you can modify to suit your taste. Feel free to use more milk, less avocado, more sugar, or less ice to meet your liking. Make sure to add a spritz of lemon juice to retard browning and brighten flavors.

Serving suggestions

Serve this avocado milkshake immediately to prevent separation or discoloration. Enjoy it as a nutritious breakfast treat, post-workout drink, or midday snack!

Storage instructions

  • Avocado turns a brown color soon after it comes into contact with oxygen. This milkshake risks turning brown if stored for any length of time, even with the lemon juice added to the mixture.
  • You can, however, store it for a longer period in the freezer. Transfer to an airtight container and place a sheet of plastic wrap on top of the mixture before sealing the container to prevent icicles from forming. Thaw until slightly softened and blend again before serving or enjoy as a frozen ice cream treat.


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