Melon Juice

Melon juice made of shredded cantaloupe and simple syrup is a refreshing drink you’ll love year round. Bursting with fresh fruit flavor, it’s a tasty and healthy way to hydrate!

We’re still in the middle of Winter, and Central Texas weather is already starting to sizzle up. Our area has a humid subtropical climate, so you can imagine how hot and sticky it will get come Summertime.

Good thing I work from home and don’t need to brave the scorching heat. And good thing I can have this refreshing melon juice to keep me cool and hydrated all year round!

What you’ll need

This refreshing drink requires only three simple ingredients to make. Cantaloupe, sugar, and water!

If you prefer a healthier alternative, substitute honey or agave for the simple syrup as a sweetener.

Extract more flavor

A lot of flavor is in the seeds and pulp! Using a sharp knife, cut the melon in half. Scoop off the seeds and pulp with a spoon and place in a bowl. Add about 1 cup of water and press with the back of the spoon to extract the juice. Strain in a fine-mesh sieve; reserve the liquid and discard the seeds.

How to shred

Hold the cantaloupe firmly and shred the flesh with a fruit/coconut shredder. If you don’t have a shredder, peel the cantaloupe and shred using the large holes of a grater or in a food processor.

Simple syrup

Instead of simply stirring in sugar, I suggest taking the extra step of making a simple syrup to sweeten the drink evenly. Sugar doesn’t dissolve well in cold liquids and tends to settle at the bottom.

Adding Milk to Cantaloupe Juice

Melons have a chemical compound that interacts and breaks down proteins in milk, producing an acrid taste. If you prefer a creamy drink without the bitter taste, stir in the milk just before serving.

You can also add a squirt or two of lemon juice to brighten the flavors.

Serving suggestions

Serve this fruity beverage with minatamis na kamote or biscocho for a filling merienda. Enjoy chilled or over ice for the most refreshing drink!

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